As a matter of fact, sometimes a wolf is bold enough to be just what it is, a wolf!
Maya Angelou said, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"
Let me say, everyone makes mistakes and we have all done things that we have been less than proud of?
The question is, are we continuing to do those things?
Did we learn from them?
Are we striving to be better everyday?
Ok now let get back to why I'm writing this particular blog piece.
Ah yes, people will show you who they are, simply pay attention.
I had someone once say to me, lately she's been going towards the things and people that she know is bad for her.
This is someone who would be considered a peer in some ways.
Okay, so it seems I'm judging a bit, maybe, but it's really pointing out an observation .
So if you decide to go for the guy who refers to women as bitches and hoes and refers to you as his bitch, does that come across someone who respects women?
If you go for the guy in his 30s whose only source of income is selling drugs, does that seem promising?
If you fall for the guy who posts about having side chicks and cheating, does that seem promising!
This person has boldly shown you who they are, so maybe deep down inside, you want to be hurt.
Perhaps you don't think you deserve to be treated like a Queen and not a "bad bitch"
No sympathy! It sounds harsh.
I've fallen for the wolf in sheep clothing!
The sweet talking lover.
The hold the door open for you lover.
The poem writing lover.
The I cooked dinner for you lover.
The I promise you forever lover.
These days, most people seem to pretend to be what they are not.
I'm being skeptical? Maybe? My experience is telling me that I'm not so far fetched in my thinking.
Prove me wrong, I wouldn't mind being wrong in this case.
So when someone shows you who they are....
What are you going to do with that information?
Life's trials and tribulations will always become a person concrete understanding of what a relationship is too them. We all (At least I think so) have fallen in-and-out of this thing we tend to call love. For so long some just go through the motions never really dealing with the emotions of the hurt love tends to bring into a relationship. What about if the sheep has converted themselves into a wolf but never changed their Cloke? Would they be anything less than a false pretender? Or maybe I (Lance Aleong) have come not only to "Prove... (them) wrong" So you can be wrong in this case and take a stance. By taking the sincerity in my heart from the page and placing it on your threshold of fully understanding your Queendom with every passing day.