Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I dare you to tell me the truth! Okay, maybe just maybe that was lie.
The idea of the truth seems scarce. Perhaps, it's easier to act like someone we are not. 
Perhaps, it's easier to say something isn't so when it is. The truth puts one in a position where he/she has to feel and maybe it's better to be numb. The truth puts someone in a position where he/she may have to question everything he/she has been taught to believe and well, that's scary! 
Think about it though, where would we be if we didn't question things?

There was a time when the earth was considered to be flat. We now know that the earth is round. 
There are people who see Christopher Columbus as a hero and others who know that he is no such thing. So, perhaps, truth is all relative or is it?
Truth is defined as, "a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle"...

The real reason I'm writing this post is because maybe we are all liars. Every time I force a smile and say,  'I'm fine' when you ask how I am and I'm feeling like shit, well I'm lying. 
It turns out that sometimes I am quite fine but when I'm not, will I really let you know? 
I will let you know if I think you truly care.

Well I want you to know, if I ask you, how are you? I don't want you to say fine, if it isn't so.
The truth has power and we all should tell it a little more. The truth gives someone an opportunity to react based on that knowledge. When you lie to a person, they are responding based on the lie and so everything is a lie . So, let's live our truth. Your truth. My truth. Everyday. More.

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